4 Simple Strategies to Love Business Networking

Today, I want to introduce you to an article that changed my perspective on networking and made me love it. It’s called “Learn to love networking” and it’s written by three experts from Harvard Business Review.

It’s full of practical and insightful tips on how to overcome the common aversion to networking and how to make it more enjoyable and effective. It teaches you how to:

  • focus on learning
  • identify common interests
  • think broadly about what you can give
  • have fun while networking.

It also explains how changing your mindset can improve your networking skills and outcomes.

I loved this article because it helped me see networking as a rewarding and enjoyable activity that can open up many doors for me and others. It also gave me some useful strategies to apply in my next networking event.

I think you will love it too, because it will show you how to network like a pro and enjoy it.

So, what are you waiting for? Keep reading and learn to love networking! 

Focus on Learning

People with a promotion mindset think about the growth and opportunities that networking can bring them. They are also more likely to network with enthusiasm and curiosity.

On the other hand, people who have a prevention mindset see networking as a necessary evil. They are more likely to feel inauthentic and avoid it. 

The article advises people to shift their mindset from prevention to promotion by seeing networking as a chance to learn something new and discover new possibilities.

Identify Common Interests

Finding out what you have in common with others is a key way to connect with them and build rapport. This can be anything from hobbies, passions, values, goals, or experiences. 

The article recommends asking open-ended questions, listening actively, and sharing personal stories to identify common interests.

Think Broadly About What You Can Give

Networking is not just about taking, but also about giving. It advises people to think of how they can add value to the other person’s life, whether it’s by offering advice, support, feedback, referrals, or introductions. 

The article claims that by being generous and helpful, people can build trust and goodwill, and make themselves more memorable.

Have Fun!

Networking doesn’t have to be boring or stressful.

People can make networking fun by:

  • choosing events that interest them
  • being playful and humorous
  • expressing their personality and passions
  • enjoying the company of others. 

The article says that when people have fun networking, they will feel more relaxed, confident, and authentic. Sounds about right!

Networking can be a rewarding and enjoyable activity that can open up many doors for people and others. Try these strategies and see how you improve your networking skills and outcomes!

Main Points

  • “Learn to love networking” is about how to overcome the aversion to networking and how to make it more enjoyable and effective.
  • There are four strategies to change your mindset about networking:
    • Focus on learning. This means seeing networking as an opportunity to learn something new, to expand your horizons, and to discover new possibilities. This can increase motivation, enthusiasm, and authenticity.
    • Identify common interests. This means finding out what you have in common with others, such as hobbies, passions, values, goals, or experiences. This can create a bond that can lead to deeper and more meaningful conversations.
    • Think broadly about what you can give. This means thinking of how you can add value to the other person’s life, such as by offering advice, support, feedback, referrals, or introductions. This can build trust and goodwill, and make yourself more memorable.
    • Have fun. This means choosing events that interest you, being playful and humorous, expressing your personality and passions, and enjoying the company of others. This can make you feel more relaxed, confident, and authentic.
  • Changing your mindset can improve your networking skills and outcomes.
  • Networking can be a rewarding and enjoyable activity that can open many doors for you and others. Try these strategies and see how they can help you love networking more than ever.

Biggest takeaway

The biggest takeaway from this article is that networking is not something you have to dread or avoid, but something you can love and enjoy. Networking is a skill that can help you achieve your personal and professional goals, as well as enrich your life with meaningful connections and friendships. By changing your mindset and applying the four strategies in this article, you can make networking fun and effective. You can learn new things, find common interests, give value to others, and have fun while doing it. Networking can be a rewarding and enjoyable activity that can open up many doors for you and others.

So, don’t be afraid to network, be excited to network! 

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