Business Networking Drinks Lead to a New Project

Business networker: Avani Malhotra

SME Digital

My name is Avani Malhotra. I run a digital agency in Northern Beaches, Sydney by the name of SME Digital. We specialise in web design and SEO for businesses.

Why I value business networking

So business networking has actually been a huge boost to our business.

Me and my partner both value different networking groups. We are a big part of a lot of the organisations. We found that the best website builds that we actually get are from there. They’re the easiest to close. They’re the ones that we enjoy because there’s already a trust factor when someone’s referred that aspect because there’s a certain level of trust before they signed up with you.

One of my favourite stories is about a client that we actually met through a networking group who, literally, the next morning gave us a call. They really enjoyed talking to us over drinks. Next morning they gave us a call and signed up on the spot.

So those kind of things don’t happen through cold calls, or through call referrals. And so that one’s a really good one for me.

My networking groups

We belong to BNI, which is Business Networking International. And then we belong to the Chamber of Commerce, local chamber of Commerce. Mmy partner belongs to a few other ones in the city. And each one has been a valuable source of referrals and leads for us.