Networking Brings in Customers in Quiet Periods

Business networker: Serge Ambrose

Horn and Hoof

We’re Horn and Hoof restaurant. We are actually the best rated restaurant in Melbourne with 4.9 stars on Google. However, without networking, people would not even know about this. So as well as things like Google maps and marketing, networking. And going to speaking to people all over the place is how it gets us all on the map. Here’s our place.

Why I value business networking

Networking has really helped us get known on the map really, really quickly. Without networking, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve the successes that we’ve had in the first 3 to 4 months, and especially in times when you go through quiet periods like here in the Docklands in winter, nobody knows you.

Networking is really, really helping bring customers to our organisation, having the meals here and then actually telling everybody else about it.

My networking groups

One of the most important business networks we belong to is BNI. And it has actually been a godsend for a small business like ours because we’ve got help with accountancy. We’ve got help with legal.

But everybody needs to go out. And so they come to our place. When everyone needs to go out for dinner, they tell their friends about it. BNI is probably one of the best networking organisations in Australia.