Business Networking is the Most Important Activity

Business networker: Maureen Barten

Maureen Barten Consulting

I’m Maureen. Maureen Barten Consulting. I’m a marketing strategist and I work with non-marketing professionals to help them get the most out of their marketing efforts and their marketing budgets. I specialise in brand voice or key messaging strategy development across all marketing activities and project management for implementation.

Why I value business networking

Business networking is, I think, the most important activity business people can be involved with because it gives us the opportunity to meet new people and develop relationships – very strong relationships with like-minded, people in business and in friendship. I think that among the most important things that my business has gained through business networking is – number one, a network of business people. I moved to Australia about 12 years ago, and I did not have a professional network.

I left my entire career behind in the United States, so I was able to build a very robust network and fairly quickly, and it just continues to grow. The other thing is the amazing, beautiful, meaningful and, as far as I’m concerned, lifelong friendships that have developed and continue to grow. So, I think business networking is a is a wonderful way to invest time.

My networking groups

I’m a BNI member and that’s where I spend most of my networking energy. I’ve been a member for about six years and it’s been wonderful for my business and for my, for my life.

Because I love what I do, I do get around and visit other business network organisations in different areas and with different focuses. Some are all women’s networking groups. Some are different types of business networking groups. And I think that’s a very important thing to do.

I’m also very involved and do a lot of volunteer work inside my community in community leadership. And of course, I meet lots of business people there too and like-minded individuals with whom I enjoy spending my time.