Every Business Opportunity to Gain with Networking

Business networker: Anthony Lam

AVL Advisory and Bookkeeping

My name’s Anthony Lam from AVL Advisory and Bookkeeping and our business does bookkeeping services and advisory work such as preparing cash flows, pre forecasts, trajectory and an analysis of financials. So that our clients get a better understanding of their numbers.

So our bookkeeping work allows our clients to also be tax ready, allowing them to be spending more of their valuable time on their business or spending more time with themselves and their their family.

Why I value business networking

Business networking allows us to create brand awareness and build trust without spending too much on advertising or marketing. At the same time, we learned so much about other people and their businesses. It has actually helped us grow from a side business where I was actually working on just weekends to now a team of myself and my wife being able to go into the business full time. And we’ve also got one part-time and two casuals in just a space of four years.

A tip that I’ve got for everyone is: just don’t be afraid of putting yourself out there with these networking events. You’ve got nothing to be afraid of, nothing to lose, but you’ve got Every very business opportunity to gain.

My networking groups

For the past three or four years or so in our business, we’ve been part of a business network called BNI – Business Networking International in Williamstown. We were also in a Footscray location as well, but now currently in Williamstown.

And it’s been an amazing journey – been amazing learning development, being able to put our business out there, and receiving a lot of good referrals. A lot of business opportunities from these BNI networking events. We’ve also been to others, such as those council run and other events. So it’s a very, very powerful network for you to tap into if you’re a business owner.