Business Mentor Grows 400% Through Business Networking

Business networker: Jenny De Lacy

Talking Digital

I’m Jenny De Lacy talking digital. And what I do is help businesses in workshops and in mentoring, create strategies and plans to nail their message and give them the confidence and the know how to share it. So that might be an organisation with an internal marketing person that needs a refresh of their content strategy to attract more ideal clients and achieve their goals.

But it also could be my entrepreneurs that come in and do masterclasses and hang out with me in Q & A and content co-creation every month. And I absolutely love it! Everybody needs good content to reach the right people to attract your ideal clients and achieve your business goals faster. 

Why I value business networking

I’ve been in BNI, relationship marketing, network marketing, whatever you want to call it – business networking for five years, more than five years. It’s been a gamechanger for me. I’m the sort of person that needs structure and discipline around their marketing. Otherwise, I’d probably faff and not get quite as much done.

So, the discipline and the commitment of BNI is absolutely brilliant for someone like me, and I know that I’m not alone there.

Also, it’s been incredible the amount of collaboration I’ve been able to achieve with other people that work in marketing. Not everybody is a trainer in this space. So it’s been really great to be able to collaborate, and share my value and my knowledge in education segments and being the education coordinator and so on. I absolutely love it!

I felt like during the lockdown periods in Melbourne, BNI really was my family. I don’t have family anywhere near me. I lived with my kids, of course, who are adults, but still, it really was amazing to be part of a network when I needed them the most.

My business has grown about 400% in the last two years, and I put a huge amount of that down to the networks that I’m in and the efforts we all put into building relationships and and really giving a sh*t about each other.

My networking groups

I am a BNI member out here in Melbourne East at the BNI Eastern chapter. I’ve been a member for over five years- 5.5 years now, I think. I’ve got my little five year badge. Look, look!

And I used to think that the badges were really sort of a bit dicky, but actually, quite frankly, it represents the effort and the amount of time, and my commitment and my work ethic, and building relationships. It represents everything about that.

So, actually, I, I like the discipline of BNI. I also try and catch up locally with business folk in my local council area of Maroondah. I don’t do that as often.

But honestly, relationship marketing works!

I’m also in an amazing group called the Visibility Lab, which is all about PR and marketing. And we really support each other. And that’s more of a remote group because there are people from all over Australia in that group. And that’s a paid group too. I’m really, really glad that I’m in there, and it works.

So I hope you love being in business networks too.