Ask Simon

Get Your Business Networking Questions Answered

Don’t know where to start with business networking?

Simon Raven is our unreal networking expert who’s here to answer all the questions you have about business networking.

Give it a try!

Please note that we don’t know all of your circumstances, so this is general advice only.

What networking questions can I ask?

As long it’s about business networking, you can ask whatever you like – about virtual or in person, whether you’re a business owner or an employee, whether your company is small or large.

Here are some ideas:

  • How do I start networking if I have no connections?
  • What’s the most effective way to network online versus in person?
  • How can I network effectively at industry conferences and events?
  • How do I approach someone I want to connect with but have never met?
  • How do I approach someone I want to connect with but have never met?
  • How do I convert business connections into meaningful partnerships or sales?
  • How can I use social media platforms like LinkedIn for professional networking?
  • What are common networking mistakes, and how can I avoid them?
  • How can I measure the success of my networking efforts?
  • What should I include in my “elevator pitch” when introducing myself?
  • How can I overcome nervousness or shyness while networking?
  • How can networking benefit my career development or business growth?
  • How do I follow up with connections without seeming pushy or desperate?
  • What are some good ice-breakers to start a conversation at networking events?
  • How can I organise my own networking events or meetups?
  • How do I create a networking strategy that aligns with my business goals?
  • How can I identify and connect with key influencers in my industry?
  • How should I handle rejection or unresponsiveness from potential connections?